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Bankir@banksinfo.kiev.ua  ✉ Digital@banksinfo.kiev.ua

International Conference

Access Key Financial Services»

10 November 2021 Format: Online / Offline

To participate in offline conferences will need have one of these documents:
• Passport / Vaccination Certificate COVID-19
• Negative PCR test or express test
(conducted no more than 72 hours before the event)
• Help that silenced COVID-19
• Mased mode at the conference

Today we are seeing the rapid growth of digital services in the banking and financial sector. Consumers use a mobile bank to manage finance in their daily life. Banking applications begin to play a crucial role in solving daily issues, yielding only social networks. The use of Fintech achievements, expand the client base due to the almost widespread and round-the-clock availability of banking services.

International Financial Club "Banker" in conjunction with partners and members of the club, with the participation of Speakers of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), support for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Association of Banks of Ukraine (AUB ), in partnership with the Ukrainian Association of Payment Systems (UAPS), an independent Association of Banks of Ukraine (Nabu), Association of Insurance Business (ASB), Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovative Companies (UAFIC)
We invite you to the International Forum
DIGITAL Banking MODELS: Trend & Driver - 2022
Date: February 17, 2022. Format: Online / Offline
Location: Kiev, ul. Bolsunovskaya, 13-15,
IQ Business Center, 2nd floor "Q Conference Room"