☎️ +38 (067) 501-01-66    ☎️ +38 (050) 523-56-46
Bankir@banksinfo.kiev.ua  ✉ Digital@banksinfo.kiev.ua
Today, making mobile transactions, translations, account replenishment, online credit applications are becoming the norm !!!

Now is important, good service and personalized approach of banks and non-bank financial companies offering:

- Convenience, flexibility and speed in service, autonomy in interaction with the client
- providing customers with complete control over their financial resources and transactions using the elegant movement of the finger on the phone screen - one click

Offering customers the best experience, products and financial services: high-quality, comfortable, easy-to-use and affordable from anywhere. While ensuring the expected safety, simplicity and convenience.
International Financial Club "БАНКИРЪ" together with partners and members of the club, with the participation of the moderator and speakers of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), support for the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Association of Banks of Ukraine (AUB), in partnership with the Ukrainian Association of Payment Systems ( UAPS), All-Ukrainian Association of Financial Companies (VAFK), an independent Association of Banks of Ukraine (Nabu), Association of Insurance Business (ASB), Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBA), Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovative Companies (UAFIC)
Invites you to an international conference
Access Key Financial Services»
Date: November 10, 2021
Location: Kiev, st. Bolsunskaya, 13-15
IQ Business Center, 2nd floor "Q Conference Room"
Format: Online / Offline